2025 Year of The Snake Postcard:
Renewed Little Red Snake
The design concept for this Year of the Snake greeting card revolves around using simple outlines to highlight the snake's charm, aiming to transform people's perceptions of this often-controversial symbol. The red snake in the design twists its body, symbolizing the shedding of old skin and embracing a renewed self, looking forward to a revitalized 2025.
Interestingly, many ancient civilizations have documented snakes in their cultures. With their smooth, sinuous bodies, swift and silent movements, and the way their form changes after a large meal, snakes have long captivated the human imagination. It's no wonder they are a favorite motif among tattoo artists.
Despite being vilified by Christianity, snakes have largely been seen as positive symbols in ancient Egyptian, Greco-Roman, Indian, African, and Chinese cultures. They represent protection, healing, rebirth, wisdom, and transformation. Snakes truly are fascinating and mysterious.
This year's greeting card features a little red snake shedding its skin.
Here's to 2025—reinvented and refreshed!
Here's to 2025—reinvented and refreshed!

2025 蛇年賀卡:嶄新小紅蛇
這次蛇年賀卡的設計理念是以簡潔的輪廓呈現蛇的可愛,轉化大家對於這個具有爭議性的象徵動物的想像。圖案中的紅蛇扭著身體,象徵退去舊皮囊,迎接嶄新的自己,期許焕然一新的 2025 年。
不約而同 很多古文明裡都有蛇的記載。光滑又扭曲的長身體,行動快速且無聲無息,吃太飽身體會變形。聽說也是刺青師最愛發揮的創作主題,蛇好神氣。
除了被Christianity 全面抹黑之外,在古埃及、希臘羅馬、印度、非洲和中華文化中多半是正面的象徵:保衛、治療、重生、智慧、轉變。蛇好神秘。
2025 脫胎換骨 煥然一新